Home-style raw potatoes, organic cooked potatoes in slices or small wedges, French fries or hash browns – the range of prefabricated and prepared potatoes is large and enriches numerous menus of restaurants and canteen kitchens. Also fruit and vegetable traders as well as the processing industry, such as potato salad producers, benefit from this professional offer. The relevant companies usually purchase the potatoes to be finished as raw potatoes directly from the farmer. Then they are cut either raw or pre-cooked according to special “cutting patterns”.
Processing potatoes without great effort
Finishing is the processing of potatoes delivered by farmers into peeled raw or pre-cooked potatoes in various “cutting patterns”. This offer is specially designed for gastronomic businesses that can process potatoes immediately and without great effort. Also potato pancakes and potato dumplings belong to this program. Since potato peeling is not everyone’s business in the private sector, there are also companies in industry offering these specific “peeling and cutting services”. Everyone has a special challenge to master: since potatoes oxidise quickly and turn black, it is important not only to be fast when processing the yellow tubers but also to remove the oxygen from the packaging.
Allfo vacuum bags for potato products
This is where vacuum bags from allfo come into play, with which potatoes retain their natural look for a long time. When packaging potatoes, not only the appetising appearance but also hygiene and shelf life are important issues, which is why this product group can be found almost exclusively in B2B vacuum bags and not in the retail sales counter. Depending on whether the potatoes or other vegetables are only packaged or also cooked in the bag, standard vacuum bags or special cook-in bags are suitable. Allfo keeps numerous bag types in stock for the different potato products and for various lot sizes, even in large quantities, so that your desired bag can be delivered quickly and reliably.
Vacuum bags for potatoes:
- For prefabricated and prepared potatoes
- Prevent oxidation of peeled potatoes
- A visual delicacy over a long period of time
- Suitable for all “cutting patterns”
- Also for use with dumpling dough
For what purpose would you like to package potatoes with our vacuum bags? We will be glad to advise you. Just give us a call or write to us.