
Kontaktformular Flyout EN

Kontaktformular Flyout EN

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Resealability makes ALLFO vacuum bags very popular

Resealability by a classic zipper, a functional pressure closure, is a special feature integrated in selected allfo vacuum bag types. The bag opening can be resealed almost liquid-tight with the benefit of perfectly preserving the aroma of spices and coffee as well as Parmesan and grated cheese. The products can be practically portioned, do not have to be consumed all at once and can be stored again.


Zipper or HookVak?

An alternative is the HookVak, an innovative Velcro closure integrated into the bag like the zipper. The vacuumed bag is first sealed airtight at the sealing seam located above the reclosure, where it can be easily opened again if required. Thus the contents can be completely or partially removed and afterwards the bag can simply be closed again with the Velcro. Compared to the zipper, the HookVak is easier to handle with chunky or pourable products.


The advantages of HookVak:

  • Sensory feedback – the customer feels and hears that the product is securely sealed.
  • Ideal for powdery products – this closure functions even when the contents stick to the bag.
  • Intuitive closure – effortless to seal. Light pressure is enough without being precisely aligned.
  • Maintains freshness – food stays fresh longer through resealability.
  • Products are easier to portion and can be removed several times.

Do you need assistance in choosing between zipper or HookVak?
We will gladly advise you on both resealability options of vacuum bags. Simply give us a call or write to us.