You know how practical opening aids are by the time you want to open a package. We know from experience that this is not always an easy task. That’s why we offer practical opening aids for our vacuum bags that can even be opened by consumers with motor impairments. Depending on the application, we supply our special allfo side seal bag with various opening aids to make your everyday life easier. “Easy opening” is not just an empty promise for allfo vacuum bags, but a fact.
Allfo’s opening aids are no killjoys
Typical vacuum bags are usually opened with a pointed knife. Here, we integrate the VakTape for tearing open e. g. printed barbecue bags, promotional bags for the World Cup or Christmas bags. We know that opening a vacuum package can be a real fun killer when marinade is spilled on your fingers or clothes or ruining table decorations.
Due to the relatively soft material, the side seal bag can hardly be opened in a controlled, easy and clean manner. The tear tape VakTape offers the optimal solution, as only a slight pull on the tear cut is sufficient – and the side seal bag opens automatically thanks to “easy opening” along the tape. The consumer opens the bag in a controlled and effortless manner. It is also thanks to this clever opening aid that the shape of the bag is retained and the product remains in the bag until it is actually removed. Allfo’s stand-up pouch, on the other hand, is made of a stiffer material and allows a targeted, straight tearing, which is additionally supported by the tear notch.
This means that your allfo bag packaging fulfils a key decision criterion when purchasing: studies by renowned market research institutes have shown that customers are more likely to opt for a product if it is easy to open. The only important thing is that the customer is made aware of the tear-open aid on the surface of the packaging in order to recognize it.