
Kontaktformular Flyout EN

Kontaktformular Flyout EN

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ALLFO ensures maximum availability thanks to an extensive product warehouse

In times of fast production processes ensuring efficiency and effectiveness, excellent service and high product availability are essential unique selling points. Food that is to be preserved or further processed cannot wait for lengthy deliveries. Our international clientele includes numerous European retailers who attach great importance to our service and our understanding of quality. They rely on our speed of delivery and excellent product quality equally. We are able to answer the question about the availability of our vacuum bags with a relaxed reference to our well-stocked warehouse.


High availability instead of supply shortage

As a matter of fact, a supply shortage of allfo vacuum bags is not to be feared. In our warehouse, numerous types of bags are waiting to be applied. The stocks are as versatile as the products packaged in them, while confectioning leaves nothing to be desired. Whether counted, loose or bundled, the well labelled cartons are stacked on the shelves pallet by pallet. Friction losses in terms of logistics are virtually eliminated, guaranteeing fast delivery. Depending on the bag type, you can choose film thicknesses from 40my to 220my.


We score with maximum availability and expertise

Based on decades of experience, we know which vacuum bags are particularly in demand and of course we understand the requirements of the products to be packaged. Large and small bags, with and without seams, printed or plain, high gloss and crystal clear are examples from our versatile assortment. Some are perfect for cheese maturation, while others allow gentle cooking in the Sous-Vide process. Allfo knows which bag works optimally for the respective purpose and scores with reliable availability of its products.

Why is high availability so important?

  • Fastest delivery times
  • Worldwide logistic chains
  • No bottlenecks in delivery
  • No logistical problems or inefficiencies
  • Access to multiple bag types including bulk quantities


Which clientele would you like to reach with our vacuum bags or are you challenging us with the development of an individual bag type?
In any case, we are looking forward to your mail or your call.