
Kontaktformular Flyout EN

Kontaktformular Flyout EN

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Holistic sustainability

At allfo, sustainability is more than the protection of environment. We associate the term sustainability with:

  • Groundbreaking product ECOLINE
  • Conscious resource management
  • Environmentally friendly facility management
  • A responsible cooperation

When it comes to sustainability, we are inspired by the knowledge that around 1.3 billion tons of food perish and are disposed of annually. That is a depressingly large number. It is therefore all the more important to develop innovative packaging that makes food safe in resource-efficient manner. This has a positive impact on our CO2 emissions and protects the environment.

In times of excessive consumption, food spoilage is a terrible consequence. Extending the shelf-life of foodstuffs and thus securing them for consumption is an important motive for the production of our packaging solutions. Only a few people know that: The CO2 footprint in the production of foodstuffs is significantly higher than that of our vacuum bags. Our products ensure that these clear traces are not in vain, because the products have longer shelf-life and optimally protected.

To counteract food waste, we support the "Save Food" initiative out of conviction initiative out of conviction. This was established by the World Food Organization FAO and is tirelessly committed to responsible handling of food products.

What does our production do?

In addition to the use of the latest technology, we pay particular attention to material and energy efficiency with regard to sustainability. Waste prevention plays a major role for us - not only from an ecological but also from an economic point of view. In order to be able to offer our customers the best possible advice, we nurture collegial cooperation and mutual exchange of knowledge with filling and packaging machine manufacturers.

The production of our vacuum bags generates waste, which we not only sort strictly, but whose rate we control as part of our waste management. Of course, we want to avoid waste first and foremost. Production waste - such as border strips that cannot be avoided - is regranulated and returned to the production process.

What does our facility management do?

Especially because our production is so energy intensive, we pay attention to energy efficiency in our processes. With the help of ISO 50001, we were able to build up an extensive energy management system. Our monthly energy monitoring system generates and analyzes statistics on electricity consumption. We pay attention to the individual energy flows of our key consumers and can thereby systematically detect changes and react to them in a targeted manner. We use heat recovery to heat our rooms. In this way, the heat generated in production can be used sensibly and in an environmentally friendly manner.

Holistic sustainability as we understand it:

  • Sustainably ecological, economical and social
  • Ecological ambition with strategy
  • With "Save Food" against food waste
  • Material and energy efficiency, but also waste avoidance


We live in a world where packaging and packaging solutions make a positive contribution to ecologically sound and economically profitable use. For allfo, sustainability and packaging are one thing above all: no contradiction, but daily practice! You can find out more about this in our sustainability report.